Pennsylvania Veterans Museum remembers 71 years after Normandy invasion

"Into the Jaws of Death." June 6, 1944 "Down the ramp of a Coast Guard landing barge Yankee soldiers storm toward the beach-sweeping fire of Nazi defenders in the D-Day invasion of the French coast. Troops ahead may be seen lying flat under the deadly machine gun resistance of the Germans. Soon the Nazis were driven back under the overwhelming invasion forces thrown in from Coast Guard and Navy amphibious craft."
"Into the Jaws of Death." June 6, 1944 "Down the ramp of a Coast Guard landing barge Yankee soldiers storm toward the beach-sweeping fire of Nazi defenders in the D-Day invasion of the French coast.  Troops ahead may be seen lying flat under the deadly machine gun resistance of the Germans.  Soon the Nazis were driven back under the overwhelming invasion forces thrown in from Coast Guard and Navy amphibious craft."
“Into the Jaws of Death.” June 6, 1944

By Patti Mengers

Seventy-one years ago today, on D-Day, nearly 160,000 Allied troops were among the first wave of forces that landed on the beaches of Normandy. More than 2,500 Americans died that pivotal day during World War II that would eventually lead to victory over Nazi Germany.

Wes Mullen of Ridley Park was with the 1st Division, 26th Infantry, Company G who landed on Omaha Beach June 6, 1944. He survived but was later injured twice during combat in Europe. Nevertheless he considers those who died the real heroes.

“It’s not about me. Nine thousand men went ashore in my division and 6,000 were probably killed,” said Mullen, who was only 19 on D-Day.hire vets

While his platoon lost only one man on D-Day, about two months later, 24 were killed and six were wounded in 15 minutes during a Nazi ambush en route to Belgium.

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