They had one thing in common: They themselves were exposed to Agent Orange and are now suffering debilitating, if not deadly diseases, or they are the widows of men who died as a result of exposure. Others have children or grandchildren who even today bear the deadly impact of exposure to the herbicide.
On Saturday evening close to 150 Vietnam-era veterans and their wives, as well as widows of men who served and have died, came together for a town hall meeting designed to educate veterans and their families of the medical and financial resources available to anyone who was exposed to the herbicide or was born with health complications as a result of their father’s exposure.
The Agent Orange/Dioxin Town Hall Meeting was sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans of America, Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 542 in Harrisburg, and was facilitated by a panel of experts including representatives from the national Vietnam Veterans of America as well as the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America.
“A lot of veterans that were in Vietnam were sprayed or came into contact and found out years later that illness cropped up,” said Cathy Keister, whose husband, Brett Keister, was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam and died of cancer in 2005. “The Vietnam Veterans of America fought for many years for the VA and the U.S. government to recognize these diseases in our veterans. There is medical and financial assistance available, but a lot of our veterans don’t know it.”
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