The VA Wants to Raid a Veterans’ Health Program to Pay for Its $1.4 Billion Construction Screw-up




Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald said Tuesday that he wants to pay for a $1.4 billion construction cost overrun by taking about $1 billion out of a fund that was designed to pay for veterans to get care outside the broken VA system.

Congress has been harshly critical of the VA’s botched project in Denver, where the VA has been trying to build a hospital complex for veterans. The original estimate for the complex was $328 million, but the VA has since said it will really cost $1.7 billion.

On Tuesday, McDonald said he wants to fund the rest of the project by dipping into the Veterans Choice Act, a bill passed last year that provides about $5 billion in funding to let veterans find medical in non-VA facilities.

“We believe requesting funds from the Choice Act is the best approach among the difficult choices before us,” he toldhire vets a subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee. McDonald later admitted, however, that the VA has no idea how much of the Veterans Choice money it will actually need.

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