Veterans Come Home, Seek Home


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Derek Torrellas said he and several other veterans meet at Trinity Bar every week to discuss their time in the service and their goals for their lives as civilians. It’s the “diet” version, he said, of having an established open veterans organization in New Haven.

Torrellas, who is 28, is part of a group trying to build a Veterans of Foreign Wars post (VFW) in New Haven, an effort mainly spearheaded by Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) students and alumni.

As younger veterans come back in larger numbers from service abroad, organizers say the time is ripe to build a local chapter from the ground up, catering to the newer generations’ needs.hire vets

Army veteran Charlie Pickett (pictured at top) provides the power behind the push for the new post. Deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2007 and 2011, he headed to Connecticut to serve in the National Coast Guard in 2011.

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