Program helps veterans get fresh, sober start on life




Three local veterans are graduating from a special 12-step program meant to get them sober and get their lives back on track.

“It takes commitment, patience and a lot of humility, and (these) guys are a testimony to all three of those qualities,” said Curtis Williamson, who helps run the program at HVAF of Indiana.

For one local veteran, it’s a struggle he’s been dealing with for 30 years.

“I was a mess,” said Army veteran Whitney Hamilton. “I started off with beer, then liquor, then marijuana, then I went to cocaine… I started trying to get clean and sober since 1985 but I was rebellious. I thought I knew it all I didn’t want to take any suggestions.”hire vets

But then he came here to take part in HVAF’s substance abuse program, called R.E.S.T.

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