Veterans Are ‘Enraged’ At Brian Williams Fabrication



By Rahel Gebreyes

anchor Brian Williams recanted on Wednesday his story about being in a helicopter that was shot down by RPG fire while he covered the war in Iraq in 2003. Since his apology aired, his credibility has come into question and speculation has swirled about his future with NBC.

Veterans have been especially critical of Williams’ apology and false story, former marine Chris Lessard told HuffPost Live on Friday.

“When he comes out and makes these comments, it’s not right, and it angers a lot of people. I believe there’s a ubiquitous sense of anger amongst the veteran community right now,” Lesser told host Marc Lamont Hill. “I’ve hire vetsgotten many texts and many calls today saying, ‘Go on there and bury this guy.’ It’s not right.”

Lessard pointed to the military’s focus on earning one’s ranking and dealing with the real experiences of battle.

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