Veterans Court, Redford mentors reach out to those who served



By Julie Brown

James Badeen served in the U.S. Army from 1976 to 1996, primarily in military police. These days, he’s the Military Veterans Mentor coordinator for the 17th District Veterans Court of Redford.

“One of the things it is not is a court of adjudication,” Badeen said of the Redford court for veterans, which got funding last year. Defendants have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor offenses rooted in their military past.

The judge, prosecutor, VA and mental health professionals agree on a plan of treatment, Badeen told Plymouth A.M. Rotary members and guests the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 27. He noted such courts have their roots some seven years back in Buffalo, N.Y., when a municipal judge saw many problems associated with military veterans in his courtroom.

Michigan now has some 22 such veterans courts, said Badeen, describing them as a grassroots effort of municipal and district judges in the United States. Redford’s Judge Karen Khalil was instrumental in bringing the Veterans Court to the 17th District.hire vets

“A lot of great things are happening,” he said. “So great to be a part of it. Wayne County is definitely leading the nation now in veterans’ services.”

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