State leaders praise veterans at Iowa Capitol



By  William Petroski

Veterans from all military branches packed the Iowa Capitol Wednesday to hear the state’s leaders praise their service and promise their sacrifices won’t be forgotten.

About 250 veterans from throughout the state – many wearing colorful headgear from veterans’ organizations – then spread throughout the Capitol to buttonhole Iowa House and Senate members.

State Rep. Quintin Stanerson, R-Center Point, a Marine veteran who chairs the Iowa House Veterans Affairs Committee, told the crowd at the annual “Veterans Day on the Hill” that lawmakers will support veterans any way they can.

“Iowa is made even greater because all of you chose to come back here and make Iowa your home,” Stanerson said.

The Iowa Veterans Coalition, representing nine veterans groups, has a legislative agenda that includes full funding for state veterans’ programs and a proposed increase in the Iowa veterans’ property tax exemption to $5,000 of assessed value from the current $1,852.hire vets

The agenda also seeks to allow disabled veterans with a 50 percent or greater service-connected disability rating to acquire an Iowa disabled veteran license plate at no cost for one personal vehicle.

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