Retired Army veteran surprised with new home at end of parade




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By Richard Irwin

Thursday’s Rose Parade centered on lives reflecting the theme of “Inspiring Stories.” Leading the way was posthumous Grand Marshal Louis Zamperini whose amazing life is chronicled in the recently released Angelina Jolie film “Unbroken.”

Other American heroes with inspiring stories in the parade, ranged from wounded veterans and organ donors to Special Olympians and plucky high school musicians.

But only one hero received the keys to a new home. That was retired Army Sgt. Dominic Perrotte III. He thought he was only riding in the 126th Rose Parade as a representative of American service men and women around the world.

But Perrotte and his family got much more, when Wells Fargo & Company and the Military Warriors Support Foundation gave him a mortgage-free home in Virginia.

The family learned of the gift in a ceremony at the end of the Rose Parade. Tim Sloan, senior executive vice president of Wells Fargo, presented the teary-eyed family with a large red ceremonial house key.hire vets

“In honor of your service, Wells Fargo and the Military Warriors Support Foundation would like to present you with the 200th home that Wells Fargo has provided to veterans since 2013,” Sloan said as Kayla grabbed her husband’s arm and began to cry.

“Sgt. Perrotte, Kayla, here’s the key to your new home in Hampton, Virginia, thank you for your service.”

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