Thanksgiving meal at Veterans Inc.


standardWhile many in the city gathered around their family dinner table, others sought company of a different kind on Thanksgiving.


by Arnaldo Rodgers


Vietnam-era veterans Vincent Telese, Paul Letsky, Paul Gingras and others sought out the camaraderie of fellow soldiers at the annual feast prepared at Veterans Inc., one of the largest veterans services organizations in New England.

“I don’t have family, so I come here for the camaraderie,” Telese said.

Telese said that with the average age of Vietnam veterans now at 67, more and more tend to gather at Veterans Inc. The younger veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, some of whom live at the shelter, mostly seemed to have gone to be with their families, he said.

One veteran who declined to give his name noted that, “sometimes you don’t get the same feeling with others as you do with other veterans. Especially Vietnam veterans.”  “And the meal was very good,” Gingras added.

For the members of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, who volunteered to help serve the meal to the veterans and who joined in the meal, it was a way to give back.

The group started volunteering at Veterans Inc. last year when one of their officers, Billie Christian, herself a veteran who had lived in a similar shelter, suggested it.unnamed

“We want to show our appreciation for their service, what they have given,” said Bernadette Henry, one of the volunteers.

Lynn Pescaro agreed. “You do it for yourself [too],” she said. “Sometimes you just need to give. I just wanted to do something good.

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