Lavrov v. Kerry in Beijing


Responsible leaders prioritize efforts more than ever for world peace. Anathema to Washington. Permanent war is official U.S. policy. One nation after another is targeted, ravaged and destroyed. Wealth, power and unchallengeable dominance alone matter. World peace hangs by a thread.



by Stephen Lendman

Both officials met on the APEC summit sidelines. It bears repeating what earlier articles stressed.

Lavrov is a world-class diplomat. A model foreign secretary. Working tirelessly for world peace and stability.

Kerry, Lavrov Hold Talks in Beijing on Iran, Syria, Ukraine.
Kerry, Lavrov Hold Talks in Beijing on Iran, Syria, Ukraine.

Kerry shames the office he holds. Illegitimate and then some. A serial liar. Unfit to serve.

A war criminal multiple times over. Representing America’s dark side. Deploring peace. Supporting imperial wars.

Complicit in Ukrainian crisis conditions. Involved in elevating illegitimate fascist putschists to power.

Backing their Donbas war of aggression. Without mercy against freedom-fighting democrats. Civilians in harm’s way.

Both officials have polar opposite world views. Lavrov on the right side of history. Kerry supporting imperial lawlessness writ large.

US adventurism. Permanent wars. On humanity. For unchallenged global dominance. Against sovereign independent countries.

Wanting them eliminated altogether. Rogue states operate this way. None match America’s ruthlessness.

Its out-of-control rampaging. Appalling civil and human rights record. Plutocracy masquerading as democracy.

On November 6, a Russian Foreign Ministry statement said:

“Politicians have recently proposed resuming talks on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis in the so-called Geneva format, which means with the involvement of Russia, the EU, the United States of America and Ukraine.” 

“This idea was proposed the other day by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the current head of the Ukrainian government.” (Its illegitimate putschist prime minister.)

“We would like to say in this connection that the foreign ministers of Russia, the EU, USA and Ukraine and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy coordinated a joint statement at their meeting in Geneva on 17 April 2014, which stipulated initial measures to de-escalate tensions and restore security for all citizens.”

“It said that the conflicting sides should refrain from ‘violence, intimidation, or provocative actions.’ The participants strongly condemned and rejected all expressions of extremism, racism and religious intolerance, including anti-Semitism.”

“They also stressed that ‘the announced constitutional process will be inclusive, transparent and accountable.”

“It will include the immediate establishment of a broad national dialogue, with outreach to all of Ukraine’s regions and political constituencies, and allow for the consideration of public comments and proposed amendments.”

“It is now clear that Ukraine has flouted these agreements. Instead of de-escalating tensions, Kiev has stepped up hostilities and is using heavy weaponry in the southeastern regions, which has claimed thousands of lives and led to large-scale destruction.”

“Instead of initiating constitutional reform and a dialogue with the people, it has undertaken indistinct behind-the-scenes manipulation, which has not produced any concrete result aside from empty promises.”

“A look at the current situation makes one wonder about resuming negotiations in a format that has not produced the desired effect. Maybe Kiev should instead try to fulfill the previous agreements and pledges?”

Lavrov Ukraine NATO

In Beijing, Lavrov said:

“We believe it necessary to complete as soon as possible the settlement of the disengagement line so that the ceasefire and terms of the armistice could be monitored.”

He stressed fully implementing Geneva and Minsk agreements. The only way to deescalate tensions. End violence. Restore peace.

Kiev spurns it. Intends continued war. Washington supports and encourages it. Rogue EU states back what demands condemnation.

On the 25 anniversary of beginning the Berlin Wall’s demolition (November 9), Kiev forces launched intense shelling.

Continued it overnight. Along the line of engagement. Near Donetsk’s airport. Against civilian neighborhoods.

Self-defense forces responded. Engaging Kiev aggressors with artillery fire and other weapons.

Lugansk leaders reported heavy fighting. According to LPR’s Defense Ministry Lt. Col. Alexander Bednov:

“In the last few days, there have been intense clashes in the LPR territory. Initially, there were sporadic scuffles that escalated into fierce fights.”

“Shelling continues along the entire line of engagement marked by the Seversky Donets River.”

So-called ceasefire terms are illusory. Kiev systematically violated them straightaway.

Fighting never stopped. Rogue states operate this way. Peace is a convenient illusion. Naked Kiev aggression continues.

No end in sight looms. Escalated war is likely. Lavrov put a brave face on things, saying:

“John Kerry and I agreed today that (ending conflict remains) relevant and probably even more acute than it was back in April, when the process was supposed to be launched.”

Kerry says one thing. He supports another. War without mercy. Advancing America’s imperium.

Using Kiev puppet leaders destructively. Destabilizing the entire region.

Wanting regime change in Russia. Pro-Western stooge governance.

Replacing sovereign independence. Responsible leadership.

Opposition to US imperial rampaging. Lavrov’s comments to Kerry fell on deaf ears.

Saying “(t)he most important thing is not to indulge the ideas floating around in Kiev that they need to gather strength and go back to the use of force as a solution to the crisis, to talk hotheads out of such ideas and to make sure that the authorities in Kiev deliver on the promises they made, that is to pursue the path of political resolution.”

Washington’s agenda is polar opposite. Kerry citing “disagreements about some of the facts on the ground with respect to Ukraine.”

Worlds apart ones. So-called “facts” are Big Lies. Kiev’s government is illegitimate. Putschists running things.

Elevated to power by Washington. One fascist regime supporting another.

Waging war without mercy. Against Donbas area residents wanting democratic freedoms. What everyone deserves.

Murdering them in cold blood. Despite agreeing to peaceful conflict resolution.

Putin, Obama may meet on sidelines of APEC summit — Kremlin
Putin, Obama may meet on sidelines of APEC summit — Kremlin

Obama represents the worst of US rogue leadership. Threatening world peace.

Turning truth on its head saying “…Russia’s actions against Ukraine remind us we have more work to do to fully realize our shared vision of a Europe that is whole, free and at peace.”

Washington bears full responsibility for Ukrainian crisis conditions. Rogue EU partners share it.

Establishing fascist governance in Europe’s heartland. For the first time since Nazi Germany’s WW II defeat.


Ed. note: ‘Fuck the EU’: US diplomat Victoria Nuland’s phonecall leaked – video

Allying Russia and China more closely together than ever in modern times. Against a common threat.

China’s President Xi Jinping saying “(w)hatever changes happen in the international situation, we should follow the chosen line, should expand and develop the overwhelming mutually advantageous (Sino/Russian) cooperation.” 

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin promised ever closer cooperation on Sunday as they met for the 10th time in less than two years.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin promised ever closer cooperation on Sunday as they met for the 10th time in less than two years.

Putin adding:

“Extremely important is cooperation between Russia and China in order to keep the world in the framework of the international law, making it more stable and predictable.”

Telling Xi: “You and I have done a great deal for this purpose, and I am certain we will continue working in this direction.”

“Today’s meeting and this visit should give an additional impetus to our relations.” At a strategically important time.

China is the world’s largest economy. On a purchasing price parity (PPP) basis.

Russia matches Washington’s military might. In nuclear weapons strength.

Sophisticated delivery systems. State-of-the-art missile and other defensive weapons.

Sino-Russia ties stress unity. More strategically important than ever. Against Washington’s imperial adventurism. Going all-out to sabotage what weakens its strength.

Waging economic and cyberwar. Fighting a losing battle. Making more enemies than friends.

Bonding other nations more closely together. Prioritizing world peace. Mutual cooperation.

Multi-world polarity. Sovereign independence inviolability. Respect for international laws, norms and standards.

Against imperial wars. America’s “grand strategy.” Naked aggression. Carving up whole continents for dominance and profit.

Potential ecocide. Resource wars. A modern-day great game. Risking the unthinkable with today’s super-weapons.

Responsible leaders prioritize efforts more than ever for world peace. Anathema to Washington. Permanent war is official policy.

One nation after another is targeted, ravaged and destroyed. Wealth, power and unchallengeable dominance alone matter. World peace hangs by a thread.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”  Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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