Veterans Need To Take Ownership Over Their Health Care


VA.Health.careRevelations of chronic delays at Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals and inexcusable fraud in record keeping have spurred calls for reform of the VA system. Politicians have been eager to jump in front of cameras to declare their support for veterans. But House and Senate VA reform bills represent only tentative first steps towards empowering veterans to take ownership over their health care and hold the VA accountable.


by Arnaldo Rodgers


The bigger problem is the absence of a coherent co-payment system to incentivize veterans to think through their health care decisions. Contrary to conventional wisdom, VA health care is free only to veterans with severe, service-related conditions. A byzantine co-insurance system exists in which the cost of care is linked to the severity of a veteran’s condition and the degree to which the condition is service-related. Veterans additionally receive a monthly tax-free cash payment based on the severity of their service-related health condition. The result is that veterans face perverse incentives to let their health deteriorate to the point where they can avoid copayments and receive higher monthly financial support. Reform should focus on redesigning VA co-insurance to give veterans incentives to embrace preventive care and take greater ownership over their health care decisions.

The recently passed House “Veterans Access to Care Act” and pending Senate Sanders-McCain bill would allow veterans to seek private care at the federal government’s expense if they face excessive wait times or live more than forty miles from a VA hospital. This approach would introduce a modest measure of market accountability for a publicly funded system. In theory, the potential migration of (a percentage of) veterans towards private care would indirectly address much of the waiting time problem by allowing veterans to opt out of the VA system in the face of delays. This approach would also force the VA system to compete with private providers to retain this pool of veterans (or risk reduced federal funding in the long run as more federal dollars for veterans flow to private care).

Empowering veterans to be more engaged in their own health care decisions would be a step of progress. But the missing link in the House and Senate bills is that they do not address the complex structure of co-insurance and disability compensation, which warps the incentive of veterans to delay getting care until their chronic conditions become severe. The VA health system places veterans in one of eight priority groups, and then sets co-payments based on percent of service-connected disability, severity of the condition, and a myriad of other criteria that are difficult for both doctors and patients to fully grasp. Although this framework was designed to provide care to the veterans with the most need, it has devolved into a system in which the one clear incentive veterans have is to let their health deteriorate to gain priority of care, free treatment, and monthly financial assistance. This unconscionable set of incentives contradicts the purpose of the VA system.

For example, taken at face value tying the level of co-payments to the degree by which a medical condition is service-connected sounds appealing. In reality, it is often difficult, if not impossible, for physicians to directly link a medical condition with exposure to war-related substances. Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War highlights this challenge as it has been linked to coronary heart disease. However, other factors such as sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, smoking, and drug abuse among veterans are likely to play a greater role in coronary disease. Tying the price of care to the cause of a condition and encouraging veterans to let their health deteriorate to receive greater financial support creates incentives for veterans to game the system rather than to secure the preventive care they need to mitigate the harm.

The solution is simple – implement a uniform, fixed co-insurance system and abolish service-connected ratings to encourage veterans to seek preventive care and integration back into society. These incentives would enable veterans to assess their own health care choices more clearly and to monitor the VA in order to get their money’s worth. For example, one of the problems that contributes to long waiting times and dissatisfaction is the fact that veterans fail to show up for their appointments without calling to cancel. If veterans had to pay for missing their appointments without notification (similar to many medical practices), then no-shows would significantly decrease and waiting times would improve.

A fixed co-insurance requirement would give veterans financial incentives to think through their treatment options. The VA system gives veterans access to virtually any type of treatment that the VA offers and if the treatment is not available, veterans are allowed to seek non-VA care. This approach gives veterans access to a remarkable level of care, but it also means that redundant tests and procedures routinely take place in cases where there is no or nominal co-payment. Creating a uniform system of co-payments would give patients and their families incentives to think through what tests are necessary and when they are truly needed.

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Critics may be concerned about the distributional effects of co-insurance and how it could adversely affect veterans’ bottom lines. This concern could be addressed by giving veterans an annual, lump sum benefit to offset any economic burdens from co-payments for VA health care. In the long run this approach would likely prove to be cheaper as veterans would be empowered to think through health care decisions that partly would come out of their own pocket.

The scrutiny that the VA system faces is positive, but this debate is an opportunity for meaningful reform that should not be wasted with half-hearted measures. Instead, politicians should simplify the co-insurance structure and remove service-connected disability ratings. This approach would encourage veterans to be engaged in preventive care and ensure that veterans will seek to get their money’s worth by actively monitoring the VA.

Dr. Kim-Lien Nguyen is the Director of Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic at the Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The views expressed are those of the author’s and do not reflect the views of the Veterans Administration, United States Government, or University of California Regents.

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