Startup Success: Veteran Owned Businesses Are Gaining Traction With Investors


VETERAN_OWNED_BUSINESSWe all proudly read the news about the work veterans do protecting our country. However, what often doesn’t make the news is the impact these heroes have on the business world.


by Arnaldo Rodgers


Check out these statistics which belie their contributions to the startup ecosystem as the nation celebrates National Veterans Small Business Week and Veteran’s Day:

  • 3 million: The number of businesses veterans run in the United States
  • 5.7 million: The number of  people employed by veterans, which equates to $210 billion in annual payroll and $1.2 trillion in sales
  • 30%: The portion of all American businesses owned by veterans; interestingly, while veterans make up only 8% of the U.S. population, they are twice as likely to own a business as the general population
  • 7%: The number of businesses owned by veterans still open after 10 years; according to theSmall Business Administration, compared to one-third of all businesses that survive 10 years or more.

The success of veteran entrepreneurs has not gone unnoticed by angel investors, although more attention is needed. In fact, this week and next angels interested in learning more about “vetrepreneurs” as equity-backable companies can take advantage of multiple free events such as VetsinTech DC Launch of VetCap on November 6 and Angel Capital Association veterans eventin Boston on November 12.

A growing number of veteran-owned startups are gaining traction with investors, customers and the market. Investors are drawn to the deal flow and potential returns as they hear about more and more good exits from veteran-run companies or about other companies growing at the scale needed for successful equity investment. Consider these examples:

  • RideScout, a transportation information app for mobile phones – AKA the “Kayak of ground transportation” provided nice returns for the investors involved when it was acquired this year by Moovel, a subsidiary of Daimler.
  • Critical Intelligence, a cyber-security company that does business with several major power companies, is building impressive revenues. It is one of 40 companies supported byVet-Tech, a Silicon Valley accelerator that helps veteran-led startups scale their ventures.
  • Troopswap, an e-commerce platform and verification engine for veterans, service members and their families, attracting investment from angels and venture capitalists, and growing in sales and employees.

Winning personality traits combine well with military experience

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Despite common misconceptions and stereotypes, these successful veterans aren’t wedded to bureaucracy. In fact, they thrive in small groups, having led small teams or platoons throughout their military career.  They are flexible, having been plunged into a highly unique environments with pressure cooker situations requiring literal do or die-based skills training.

They learn how to be leaders early in their career, know how to execute plans and have the drive and desire to continue to be leaders even after finishing military service. “The lessons learned and lived in military service like leadership, teamwork, competitive spirit, mission-orientation and ambition are the same attributes needed to succeed in business,” the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA) says on its website. More veterans are born with winning entrepreneurial personality traits, which combine well with military training and experience.

According to a 2009 study on veterans in the entrepreneurial world, veterans possess greater entrepreneurial personality characteristics than those who are not veterans. Bow Rodgers, an angel investor, veteran and president of Vet-Tech, and Doug Doan, veteran and founder of Hivers and Strivers, have identified the following skills and personality traits that make veterans good entrepreneurs:

  • Early leadership training: The armed services teach leadership to all recruits – and provide experiences needed to practice what they’ve learned.
  • Leadership growth: Many are eager to continue being leaders even after they leave the service.
  • Working with teams: Whether on the battlefield or in strategic planning, veterans are surrounded by teammates, which serves them well when running a business.
  • Focus and execution: “American soldiers get more done by 9 a.m. than most people do in a day,” touts a NaVOBA flyer that urges people to “Buy Veteran.” With this work ethic, it’s no wonder they make great entrepreneurs. “These are fine young men and women with fine ideas who have the ability to execute,” Rodgers says. “If you don’t have the team to execute, what good is the good idea?”
  • Progress after a failure: “The military’s culture has adapted to support the development of leaders well-suited for entrepreneurship by teaching how to plan for failure, how to seek knowledge from direct reports, and how to learn iteratively as a group. The military delegates significant authority to junior leaders who are expected (and encouraged) to fail during the early stages of their careers,” writes veteran entrepreneur Blake Hall in an article on veteran entrepreneurs. “A 22-year-old responsible for leading 46 men and tens of millions of dollars of equipment is going to screw up. He/she is also going to develop much faster as a leader relative to peers.”
  • Knowledge seekers: Veterans are good at seeking knowledge from subordinates and learning iteratively. They review what did and didn’t work after every exercise – something that serves startups well.
  • True doers: Many vets who joined the military after 9/11 were driven, unafraid, and determined to directly confront the biggest challenges of the era. Having elected to shoulder the responsibilities themselves rather than watch or comment from a safe distance, they are the “true doers” of this generation.
  • Best practices: Today’s service men and women are smarter, better trained, equipped, and prepared than at any time in the nation’s history – especially those coming out of the military academies. Doan expands on the reasons and example companies in a recent blog post, Guess Who Just Started the Next Great Company?


In celebration of Veteran’s Day, let’s honor the significant impact veterans are playing in our startup economy. Angels have the chance to build their financial returns in the process. Here’s to continuing to support our vets and looking forward to their impact in the future.


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