Free Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment


TBI Swiss Bionic Solutions Offers Free Treatment to Veterans Diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury in south Denver and Castle Rock 


TBI is characterized by a persistent insomnia.  SBS is following up on a University of Munich insomnia study which demonstrated positive improvement for 94% of participants. 

The SBS technology uses Magnetic Resonance Stimulation.  MRS has been shown to increase oxygen in the bloodstream by 50% and more as well as dilating capillaries up to 9%.

SBS has already worked with 2 TBI diagnosed patients with normal sleep patterns achieved for both.  One of those is former NFL Hall of Fame Player Joe Delamielleure who was also diagnosed with CTE at UCLA Medical Center last year.

SBS will provide convenient locations in South Denver and Castle Rock.  The treatment is passive with no side effects.

  • Participants should have a confirmed diagnosis of TBI.  Participants have to agree to be in active treatment for 30 days and have the option for another 30 days of free treatment.
  • Participants have to come in at least every other day for a 16 minute session though every day is encouraged for greater results.
  • Any drugs or other modalities used to treat insomnia needs to stop after the first week of treatment including hyperbaric treatment.  Any supplements currently recommended are welcome and even encouraged.

For anyone interested in participating please contact Chris Horger via email or phone number at:

Chris Horger
Swiss Bionic Solutions

About Swiss Bionic Solutions:  SBS is a manufacturer of pulsed electromagnetic field units with locations in Switzerland and Germany.  All manufacturing, operations and engineering functions are in house. MRS is an approved medical device in Europe, India, China, Japan and China.  MRS is FDA approved in the US for non-union bone fractures.

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