Material Aquisition Company Hiring U.S. Veterans Today!


USIUSI Joins the largest online job board for U.S. Veterans in an effort to help our nation’s veterans get back into the workforce.


USI is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) that is recognized for its proven and demonstrated expertise as a professional service provider for program management, system engineering, and capability development functional areas. USI’s support is available to the federal government at large; including DoD, DHS, and DoS. USI is currently serving customers such as DARPA, DTRA, RDECOM, REF, and DNDO in mapping solutions to requirements, solving their toughest problems in requirement definition, concept development, architecture, material development, capability demonstration, system of systems integration, and technology transition. Expertise includes Multi-Service and Other Agency coordination and planning, as well as international market development.

USI provides material acquisition services for the Departments & Defense Industry to support product life-cycle management in the critical capability domains of Chemical Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE), Information Technology/ Cyber Security, Aviation, Integrated Logistics, Industry Products and Services, and Technology Development.

Click Here To View And Apply To All Of USI’s Available Positions!

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