Learning Resource Company Hiring!


deltakDeltak Joins Hireveterans.com the largest online job board for U.S. Veterans in an effort to help our nation’s veterans get back into the workforce.

In today’s ever-changing competitive world, potential students not only require convenience and flexibility, they demand it. They also demand online access to the same quality programs available on campus. Programs that not only fulfill a need but help them achieve personal and career goals. This is what Deltak delivers to you and your students.

Since 1996, Deltak has worked with a wide range of academic partners, from large research intensive institutions, both public and private, to regional and faith-based universities, to create true partnerships to achieve strategic objectives and improve students’ learning experiences. Helping each evolve and achieve a broader geographic reach, manage students throughout the full lifecycle, and meet the needs of a diverse population of learners.

Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Deltak’s Available Positions!


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