According to the VA Center for Women Veteran statistics, female veterans are the fastest growing segment of
the U.S. homeless population, with most of these veterans residing in California. The risk of female veterans
becoming homeless is four times greater than that of male veterans.
Female Veterans confront the same problems as male veterans but they also face distinct struggles that differ
from their male counterparts. For instance, below are three main factors that are affecting females’ transitions
from military to civilian workforce.
- Non-Classification as A Veteran – the perception among many female Veterans who didn’t go to combat,
they do not consider themselves veterans. One of the main beliefs among female veterans, if they didn’t go to
the combat, they were not considered veterans. - Transferrable Skills – Some Female Veterans struggle with articulating their military roles and responsibilities;
skills, writing a resume, interviewing for a job or confused about what to do next. - Lack of Understanding of eligibility requirements and benefit process – Many female Veterans have
stated that they were unaware of the job training, continuing education benefits or that the Veteran
Administration was not just for those veterans who were injured in the war. For years female veterans have
under-utilize many of services and resources available.
Serving the Underserved
There is one organization located in Carson, California, who does reach out to these underserved veterans.
This organization is Human Potential Consultants, LLC (HPC). HPC begins with respect for service. Female
veterans are provided with a Case Manager and an Employment Specialist. The focus is on stability in terms of
housing and employment. Free training is made available to these veterans, along with educational counseling.
There is even a VA accredited Veteran Service Officer on staff to assist with veteran benefit claims.
Female Veterans are not pushed aside or made to feel less than their male counterparts. They are treated like
the veterans they are for their service and sacrifice.
For more information on Human Potential Consultants and
serving the under-served, female veterans are urged to call Marty Hill, Case Manager at (310) 756-1560.
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