Alaskan Service Provider Is Hiring!


adakAdak Eagle Enterprises, LLC a VOSB (Veteran Owned Small Business) Joins


Serving Adak, Alaska since 2003, Adak Eagle Enterprises has provided Adak with leading edge services allowing customers on the island a chance to keep communicating. Whether you need to make a call using a home phone or cellular device, want access to the internet, or want to watch your favorite TV shows Adak gets it done.

Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC provides: Telephone, IPTV, Internet, and Cellular to the city of Adak, Alaska, the farthest west city in the United State, and has applied fresh technology to satisfy a rigorous need for bandwidth management.

Due to the remote nature of Adak, which is located on the far end of the Aleutian Islands, the only internet uplink available is Satellite. On the island of Adak, there historically has been an issue with utility customers sharing resources. Adak Eagle Enterprises implemented a solution that not only maximizes the available bandwidth on the satellite uplink, but also limits the ability for customers to share their connectivity.


Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Adak Enterprises’ Available Positions!



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