Exposing Special Monthly Compensation for Veterans


va-backlogby PBRose

Finally was able to compose myself enough to write this.  This is a follow up to the Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 | post in VeteransNews Now article that was posted as “VA Backlog: Massive Stress Screw Job for War Veterans.  ”

Apparently, I didn’t have a handle on the whole Aid and Attendance and Special Monthly Compensation benefit.  It turns out that instead of getting the whole amount listed in the Special Monthly Compensation rate table you only get a small portion of it   So I went back to the benefit guides, webpages, and a real live person on the 1-800-827-1000 line to verify my intel.

The written material said that the Special Monthly Compensation money was paid “IN ADDITION TO” the veterans’ compensation pay.

My little mind thought it meant:  You are 100% with a 60% disabling condition (which should  trigger at least a “review” of your file to see if you are eligible for a Special Monthly Compensation and/or Aid and Attendance) you would get the 100% amount AND the Special Monthly Compensation rate based upon your qualifier.  100%= 3000.00 + Special Monthly Compensation rate of $3476 = $6476.

NO WAY JOSE!!!!! According to the rep I spoke with at the VA 1-800-827-1000 helpdesk, you only get your 100% pay PLUS a small amount= your new monthly payment. VA screws us again.

By doing this, the VA has told every care giver your services are only worth a couple hundred dollars.

And if you served before 9/11—that’s just too damn bad.  A couple of hundred dollars versus roughly a thousand dollars BOHICA!!!  What an insult.

My husband quit his job to take care of me and our child.  And the VA has the nerve to say his services are only worth 400 dollars?  This wonderful man does the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and child care and so much more.  And that is only worth 400 dollars? (The 400 dollar amount was what the VA rep told me about my claim.)

I know all of this whining sounds like I am a greedy bastard but I am not.  In my humble opinion, if they treat me like this, heaven knows how many other veterans are treated the same way.

And I am struck by how this benefit is kept under the radar and only pays a pittance.  I can’t help but wonder if this regulation has been constructed this way because, it is usually the wife who stays home to take care of the veteran.

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