Naked Transhumanism – Part One


Editors Note: Dear Readers, I have been sitting on the bleachers on this issue, just catching bits and pieces of it as they flew by. It is complicated, and impossible to even begin to get a clear picture of it that way. By doing the layout editing for Cara’s piece here today I have taken a quantum leap in learning.

While looking for good images to add more power to her text the Morgellon’s fibers were new to me. I used the full width photos to increase the impact. People need to see these and read Cara’s article. You know what to do for that.
Of everything I found, the tracking fiber blew me away the most. That is why I used a cropped close up of the head in the feature image. The new terms I used, ‘Welcome to the New Internal World Order, and New World Fiber were instant spontaneous reactions to my first seeing the images. All of my unusual photo captions come that way, instantly or not at all.

If you are too busy to read this when you open it, do save the link as you have my personal guarantee it is worth every minute of your time… Jim W. Dean

Who's been working on your brain?
Who’s been working on your brain?

Speaking to my publisher in Germany this morning confirmed for me that all of us who are trying to get beyond the choir are bringing the same things: transhumanism, Morgellon’s Syndrome, and all of the illnesses with which we find ourselves and our children saddled. Our children do not know that the way they feel is abnormal.

They do not understand that the drugs they take, the neurological issues they struggle with, the depression, the chronic fatigue syndrome, sleeplessness, the chronic pain…none of these are ‘to be expected.’

They are all environmental. Every one of these dis-eases and so many more. They are attacks, deliberate assaults on us. Lingering, non-specific respiratory illnesses? Now the third largest killer in the United States.

In fact, there are a handful of categories with life-threatening information within each, all of which is so important, that when I gave my last interview on the subject in Germany in mid-August, the task of boiling everything down to the most essential was overwhelming. Physiologically, it all falls under the heading of critical.

And, the fellow who translated The Sun Thief into German recently sat with a woman at a hospital in Berlin and talked to her about her Morgellon’s Syndrome. I have included a set of photographs of some of the typical presentations of Morgellon’s at the bottom of the page. They are graphic. God help me, this is the part I like writing about the least. However, we all have children. They deserve to have a life.

The attempted ‘war’ in Syria provided the administration with the opportunity to state publicly that spraying poisons on your own people, or any people, is absolutely abhorrent and forbidden. I will not stop reminding the public of that.
President Obama, Sept. 4: First of all, I didn’t set a red line; the world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98% of the world’s population said the use of chemical weapons are abhorrent and passed a treaty forbidding their use even when countries are engaged in war.

chemtrailsI have seen people post the following on Facebook: ‘If you think this is a cloud, you need a brain transplant.’ One will see this scribbled under some clearly ‘natural’ checkerboard cloud formation or loop-de-loop, complete back flip half-gaynor of a chemtrail. Someone could write Kilroy Was Here in the sky and NASA would photograph it, slap it on a piece of plastic and call it the ‘Newly Discovered Previously Elusive Kilroy Formation.’

Then the Cloud Appreciation folks would issue Ode to Kilroy or some such. Perhaps some of us would ooh and ahh. How I wish I was kidding. I’m not. So let’s talk about the severe impact on our biology instead.

The question is, how does all this happen? Because we absolutely must, we are discussing the ways our beautiful and already perfect human body reacts and breaks down and is transformed after being marinated, without relent and without our consent, in an atmosphere that has been turned into a dense, highly reactive electro-magnetic conductor.
The plasma we breathe is filled with ionized metallic salts such as aluminum nanoparticles and barium nanoparticles. Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, fluoride…the list is long up to and including human cells such as dessicated red blood cells. Often we see and smell sulfur dioxide, which kicks oxygen off our neuroreceptors and makes us more compliant.

The air we breathe should be what we term ‘neutral,’ which simply means that chemistry which is the most naturally conducive to health and life. It is no longer neutral air but rather, as I have indicated, a metallic and conductive plasma. How come?

Morgellons fibers
Morgellon’s fibers

Some of these unidentifiable fibers raining down on us are big enough to see with the naked eye and some are submicron level again. They do not exist in the natural world. We know about them largely, I believe, thanks to the poor souls with Morgellon’s Syndrome and the identifier of this biological effect on humanity, Dr. Clifford Carnicom in New Mexico, who risked life and limb to bring it to humanity’s attention.

Morgellon’s Syndrome is identifiable when the fibers leave the body through the skin. That is when we see the them, when the body is rejecting these fibers. The scarier part of this, after some thought, is that we all have them.
The worse news is, If we cannot see them on ourselves it is because our body is not rejecting them. They are, according to Sophia Smallstorm and Clifford Carnicom, tubules with hollow insides. When they are cultured they produce colonies of filaments.

Some of the fibers are tracking mechanisms. Forget the argument about microchipping. It’s already here. Some of the tracking mechanisms are smaller than the eye of a small needle and some, I am convinced, are nanoparticle-sized.

This comes under the heading of Smart Dust. We are all breathing Smart Dust. All of us. The nanofibers we are discussing here are self-unpacking and self-replicating once they are inside your body.

All of this, may I remind you, is being brought to us under the umbrella of saving us from ‘global warming’ and ‘solar flares.’ An army of pilots is dropping this stuff on us by the ton in the name of saving us from solar flares.

Welcome to the 'New World Fiber'.
Welcome to the ‘New World Fiber’.

They…and that means US as well as THEM… are building controllable, directable humans. They are building entities they can invade, make ill, torture, even kill remotely. Slaves? This is going on all over the world. This is the Pandora’s Box I opened three years ago when a van ran over my mother as she walked to church on a Sunday morning.

It all goes back to the hybrid corporate-military machine and their handlers, for there are levels above them, rest assured. For me, it all goes back to the moment when thousands of blackbirds plummeted dead to the earth for no reason we can see with our eyes. This is geoengineering, folks, make no mistake. This is Geoengineering.

When I started writing these articles for Veteran’s Today, I wrote that I would never tell you a story that was an exercise in hand-wringing. I will not do that today. The earth is mighty. The earth can do much to heal herself if we allow her to do so unmolested. That’s Job One.

Right on the heels of that, the cessation of all aerosol spraying, should come bioremediation. Let us save our children, our families, our neighbors. This is tough material, I understand that. Raise consciousness with us. Gather the facts and give them to the people you know who respond to data then let them run with it.

Present others with the story of Christina, the daughter of the woman who was run over and her compatriot Tim Verzet, the fire bomber pilot who took on the madness in The Sun Thief. Christina’s story is absolutely true for it is my story.

However you can do it best, inform yourself right now and start spreading the word. That, I promise you, is what They are most afraid of for there are billions of us and a handful of them. However, time is of the essence. Do it now whatever it is.

Editing: Jim W. Dean

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Cara St.Louis hails from the Four Corners region of the American Southwest where the individualist spirit is rooted in both its rugged landscape and magnificent vistas. She raised three children, became a nurse, a teacher, wrote novels, screenplays and a slew of articles along the way. Currently, her interests are firmly located in the esoteric realm, sovereign status for the individual, and exposing the realm of plasma and aerosol war and transhumanism. She writes and lectures extensively on the same. VT's independence and eclectic band of writers has drawn her here where we will offer good earth, fresh water and clean air to continue growing.

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