Hyperinflationary Phase in U.S. Will Start in 2014. What Will Be the Trigger?


When a country lives above its means for an extended period and prints money which it can never pay back, the rest of the world will punish the country and its currency.

It took the U.S. over 200 years to reach a debt of US$8 trillion. Since Bernanke became chairman of the Fed in 2006, US debt has more than doubled to $17 trillion. That is an incredible ‘achievement’ and the beginning of the parabolic rise of US debt not by tens of trillions but by 100 of trillions of dollars. This is no different to the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe and a completely natural consequence of what is happening now.

In summary, the U.S. dollar fall has started and will accelerate… during 2014. Click here to continue reading……

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