Collapse of U.S. Is Certain – Only Its Timing Is Unknown


The end is certain. Only its timing is unknown.

It’s a slow motion train wreck that can be seen coming miles away but which, like deer paralyzed in the headlights, everyone is unwilling to face up to and to take any meaningful corrective action – and it will be the downfall of them all.

1. Economics Can’t Trump Mathematics & the Math Says US In a Debt Death Spiral


The madmen who are responsible for the coming economic disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it.  Violating Einstein’s definition of insanity, they continue to apply the same poison that caused the problem. These fools believe they can manage complexities they do not understand. We are bigger fools for providing them the authority to indulge their hubris and wreak such damage. Read More »

2. When the Debt Bubble Bursts We’re Going to See Economic Chaos So Get Ready – NOW!


Never before has the world faced such a serious debt crisis.  Yes, in the past there have certainly been nations that have gotten into trouble with debt, but we have never had a situation where virtually all of the major powers around the globe were all drowning in debt at the same time. Right now, confidence is being shaken as debt levels skyrocket to extremely dangerous levels.  Many are openly wondering how much longer this can possibly go on. [Here’s my take on the situation.] Read More »

3. U.S. Economy: Reduce Spending (Future Depression) OR  Keep Spending (Future Hyperinflation)


The U.S. government is in what is known as a “debt death spiral”. They must borrow money to repay prior debts. It is as if they are using their Visa Card to make an American Express payment. The rate of new debt additions dwarf any rate of growth the economy can possibly achieve. The end is certain, only its timing is unknown, and, once interest rates begin to rise, and they will, it’s game over. Read More »

4. U.S.A.: United States of Addiction – Our Insatiable Appetite for Debt

16.7 trillion dollars.  That is our current national debt.  12.8 trillion dollars.  That is the amount households carry in mortgage and consumer debt.  We are now addicted to debt to lubricate the wheels of our financial system.  There is nothing wrong with debt per se, but it is safe to say that too much debt relative to how much revenue is being produced is a sign of economic problems.  At the core of our current financial mess is how we use debt as a parachute for any problem. [Unfortunately,] addictions are never easily cured and we have yet to come to terms with our insatiable appetite for debt.  Words: 850 Read More »

5. Gov’t Debt Will Keep Increasing Until the System Implodes! Are You Ready?

Why are so many politicians around the world declaring that the debt crisis is “over” when debt-to-GDP ratios all over the planet continue to skyrocket?  The global economy has never seen anything like the sovereign debt bubble that we are experiencing today. This insanity will continue until a day of reckoning arrives and the system implodes.  Nobody knows exactly when that moment will be reached, but without a doubt it is coming. Are you ready? Words: 1270

6. A Practical Assessment of the U.S. Debt Problem Shows It to Be Absolutely Absurd

The U.S. debt situation when broken down to one of family statistics really seems absurd. Yet it’s true. It’s a slow motion train wreck that can be seen coming miles away but which, like deer paralyzed in the headlights, everyone is unwilling to face up to and to take any meaningful corrective action – and it will be the downfall of them all. Words: 550

7. Finally! Someone With the Balls to Face Reality and Outline the Probable Outcome & Utter Hopelessness of America’s Debt Problems

Many articles are being written these days that more or less scope the dire financial circumstances the U.S. is in. That being said, I had not been able to find one “analyst” – even one – who had the guts to outline the probable outcome and general hopelessness of the situation and to offer any meaningful prescription for investors to survive this coming catastrophe – until now. Words: 710

8. Economics of Gov’t Are No Different Than Those of Typical American Family – Here’s Why

If Congress does not raise the debt ceiling, the result will be no different than the Jones family deciding that they have maxed out their credit cards and that, if they continue borrowing and spending over their means, there will be significant pain to the family at best and bankruptcy at worst. Any attempt to prove otherwise is futile because it’s just not true! [To further make his point the author provides below 7 other examples of why the economics of government are no different than those of the typical American household.] Words: 585

9. U.S. Debt 101: If the U.S. Were A Stock Few Investors Would Own It – Here’s Why

There has been a lot of media coverage about the United States’ debt issue these days. Why should we care? Because as U.S. citizens, we all own stock in this “company” called the United States of America (let’s say the ticker symbol is USA). We purchased this stock through the various taxes we pay every year (income tax, payroll tax, corporate tax) and we receive dividends through the various benefits we receive every year (security provided by defense budget, Medicare/Medicaid benefits, Social Security benefits, etc.). This article attempts to explain the U.S. national debt in simple layman’s terms by analyzing the United States and its debt issue as if it were a stock investment. Words: 1929; Charts: 5; Tables: 1

10. U.S.’s Runaway Financial Train is About to Destroy the Status Quo

People riding a runaway train can party and remain oblivious to the fact that the train is about to crash into a huge obstacle. Our runaway financial train is about to destroy the status quo as it crashes into the obstacle of mathematical consequences – the inevitable financial train wreck. “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” [Let me explain.] Words: 974

11. Take Note: Don’t Say You Weren’t Forewarned!

It is relatively easy to predict further commodity price inflation as a result of the massive money printing going on worldwide and that hard assets, not paper assets, will help protect purchasing power but it is much more difficult to project where else this money printing leads and to what extent a crash is inevitable. What is the endgame? Will it be another financial crash such as in 2008 or will it be a more destructive financial and economic crash that causes a severe but temporary disruption in the delivery of goods and services? Words: 1470

12. A Must Watch Video On Why America Is In A “Death Spiral”

The video below is one of the best overviews of what is going on and one of the best explanations of what lies ahead that I have heard. As such, in my opinion, it is A Must Watch!

13. Over 3 Million Views! Why U.S. Debt & Budget Will NEVER Balance

This short video – on the sustainability of government spending – should be watched by everyone, including those not yet old enough to vote. It should be shown in every high school and college classroom.

14. The U.S. Economy is Going to Collapse…It is Unavoidable…It’s a Mathematical Certainty…Here’s Why

The level of debt has surpassed the possibilities of being serviced. Mathematically, the debt problem cannot be solved, regardless of economic policies. That, unfortunately, is written. For it to be serviceable would be to violate the laws of mathematics and that cannot happen. [As such, America is quickly approaching a catastrophic economic collapse. As repelling as that sounds, it’s in your own best interest to learn just how bad the situation is. This article is an attempt to do just that.] Words: 310

15. A Disaster of Unprecedented Proportions (The End Of The World As We Know It) Is Coming Sometime This Decade and It Will Be Irreversible!

“The end of the world as we know it” is what David Korowicz predicts is coming sometime this decade – an “ultimate” crash that will be irreversible – TEOTWAWKI! Words: 1395

16. The Average U.S. Citizen Is Clueless Regarding the Desperate Shape the Country Is In! Are You?

The corrosive nature of politics and government has destroyed the economy and the moral fiber of citizens. These issues are not insurmountable, but they are very close to being so. Their ramifications are potentially existential in nature: the average length of life, the very time span or cycle of a nation has been proven in history to be approximately 250 years.  Since the USA was born in 1776 this says we have about 14 years of life remaining for America. The way things are going we don’t doubt it. [Let me explain.] Words: 768

17. If You Are Not Preparing For a US Debt Collapse, NOW Is the Time to Do So! Here’s Why

Timing the U.S. debt implosion in advance is virtually impossible. Thus far, we’ve managed to [avoid such an event], however, this will not always be the case. If the U.S. does not deal with its debt problems now, we’re guaranteed to go the way of the PIIGS, along with an episode of hyperinflation. That is THE issue for the U.S., as this situation would affect every man woman and child living in this country. [Let me explain further.] Words: 495

18. This Will NOT End Well – Enjoy It While It Lasts – Here’s Why

…The U.S. Government and its catastrophic fiscal morass are now viewed by the world as a ‘safe haven’. This would easily qualify for a comedy shtick if it weren’t so serious….[but] the establishment is thrilled with these developments because it helps maintain the status quo of the dollar standard era. However, there are some serious ramifications that few are paying attention to and are getting almost zero coverage from traditional media. [Let me explain what they are.] Words: 1150

19. U.S. Between a Rock & a Hard Place: A Recession Now or a Financial Collapse Later! Here’s How to Invest in Such Precarious Times

Over the past few years, policy leaders worldwide have grown accustomed to kicking the can down the road with each step in this ongoing financial crisis making incremental moves rather than cultivating viable long term solutions. More recent attempts seem to have evolved into simply just trying to kick the can out of the driveway. Now we fear there may not be enough firepower left to simply kick the can over. [Having done so, we are left between the proverbial rock and a hard place.] If lawmakers do nothing, by all accounts we are likely to see a recession. Should lawmakers extend the Bush-era tax cuts, you make no progress towards long term deficit reduction, potentially raising the risk and magnitude of a future financial crisis. [Let me discuss this predicament further and how best to invest in such precarious times.] Words: 1602

20. John Mauldin: The Next Few Years Are Not Going To Be Pretty – Here’s Why

The next few years are not going to be pretty. We’re looking right into the teeth of a rolling global deleveraging recession—the End Game, I’ve called it – and the decisions we make in the next couple years about how to handle our debts and budget deficits here in the U.S., in Europe, in China, in Japan, and elsewhere, are going to be absolutely crucial. Words: 507

21. U.S Likely to Hit the Financial Wall by 2017! Here’s Why

The deficits aren’t going to stop anytime soon. The debt mountain will keep growing…Obviously, the debt can’t keep growing faster than the economy forever, but the people in charge do seem determined to find out just how far they can push things….The only way for the politicians to buy time will be through price inflation, to reduce the real burden of the debt, and whether they admit it or not, inflation is what they will be praying for….[and] the Federal Reserve will hear their prayer. When will the economy reach the wall toward which it is headed? Not soon, I believe, but in the meantime there will be plenty of excitement. [Let me explain what I expect to unfold.] Words: 1833

22.  Why The Government and The Economy Will Collapse

The problems of the U.S. government are insoluble. They will result in the sovereign default of the federal government and the collapse of the US economy. Monty Pelerin explains why: “The claimed debt of the Federal Government of $16 Trillion is enough to threaten its viability and that of the U.S. economy. The current glide path of spending and revenues ensures that debt will increase. Explicit and implicit Treasury guarantees will be required to bail out failing public and private agencies. The situation becomes hopeless when the unfunded liabilities are taken into account.”

23. Eric Sprott: More Government Spending Is NOT the Answer to Our Economic Woes – Here’s Why

In today’s over-leveraged world, greater deficits and government spending, financed by an expansion of public debt and the monetary base (“the printing press”), are not the answer to our economic woes. In fact, these policies have been proven to have a negative impact on growth. [Therefore] as long as we continue down this path, the “solution” will continue to be the problem. There is no miracle cure to our current woes and recent proposals by central planners risk worsening the economic outlook for decades to come. [Let us explain.] Words: 1510

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  1. The collapse is planed, The man behind the curtain must bring the world to its knees so that the sheeple will beg for the slavery of world government. The collapse does not have to be. The fiat currency is imaginary, it is not real, it is backed by nothing, it is created out of nothing. Usury is condemned in most religions except Judaism. Usury is the charging of interest on loans. Ask yourself this, if the money is not real, it is created by nothing, it is imaginary money, why should you have to pay unmoral usury interest with the real earnings of your labor, why must you pay something real for something that is imaginary? Just repudiate the loans and interest because it is not real, it does not exist.

  2. Frightening, yes but at the same time exciting. We are privy to the collapse of the most powerful and corrupted nation ever to annihilate itself. Pure evil and corruption in our executive, legislative and judicial branches coupled by a culture no longer smart enough or courageous enough to stop/reverse it. When one considers the horror this dying republic has been visiting upon the globe since, well at least since the Civil War upon itself, a moral person should have only one response;

    ’bout damn time!”

    Once the dust clears from our rotted infrastructure and those seeking justice/revenge on Israel have given them the reason to enact their “Samson Option”, think of all the people in all the nations we fed off of sleeping better, eating better, living better….. that is until the NEXT U.S.A. comes along. But then, whomever it may be, it’ll have a long, long way to go to meet the evil/hegemony of the original, let alone surpass it, (if that’s even possible).


    Very detailed article on the impending collapse of the US currency by the treasonous Jewish ‘Federal Reserve’ under the control of the Israeli occupational ‘Zionist Regime’ in Washington, DC.
    All the pieces on the board of this deliberate financial destruction of the USA have been in place for a long time, and are now being revealed as elements in Jewish treason complicit to Israeli ‘Acts of War’ against the United States.

    There is a solution to preventing the financial destruction of America by Jews loyal to Israel.
    It is evident that Jewish infiltration of the US Military has resulted in the purge of Officers in ‘High Command’ being replaced by Israeli Jews and treasonous sycophants disloyal to the US Constitution. The obvious intent is to illegally use the military to repress the US population from rebellion.
    The US Military must cleanse itself of traitors in the chain of command, and declare a state of national emergency in which all heads in the government and banking must tender their resignations- and all the agencies that include DHS and FEMA.

    Considering the situation as extreme – the US Congress and Senate, the Supreme Court and all major institutions (including the Israeli controlled ‘Jewish Media’) have been subverted. A simple solution of removing the Jewish/Israeli heads cannot be achieved in a short period of time except by extreme measures.
    A ‘Patriotic Tribunal’ could establish a temporary ‘Provisional National Government’ while the military forces overseas are redeployed to protect the USA homeland from foreign invasion.

    The Treasury could restore the national currency and all the banks and their assets would be confiscated, turned over to the States, and all citizen debts would be canceled.
    All homes would be returned debt free. Everyone would have free medical coverage.
    The economy would be restored by the return of US industry and business to the USA.
    With patriots in charge…it would be an amazing turn around to prosperity.

    It would take a monumental effort – but replacing heads could be done very quickly if sincere Patriots were appointed into the ‘High Places’ vacated by traitors and their ‘partners’.
    It’s time that The American People consider that the only solution to the massive espionage and treason against the USA – is to support military assistance in getting rid of the ‘Zionist Regime’ in occupation of Washington, DC.

    It would be essential that the military leaders reassure and prove to the People that the US Military has in fact been purged of ‘domestic and foreign’ enemies – members of AIPAC and their political appointees should face charges of ‘Treason and War Crimes’ by an ‘American Tribunal’.
    Once this ‘Liberty Operation’ restores the US Constitution – many American Jews in power positions would certainly come forth and assist in the reconstruction of America – and replace the terrorist regime in Israel.

    It would be interesting to see a national focus of editorial content in support of the ‘Ways and Means’ by which patriotic Americans could take back their nation from Israeli occupation and the traitors in their service.

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