Gold & Silver Miners: How to Identify the Best to Invest In


The outlook for many junior resource companies in 2013 is grim so investors should focus on those who own quality undeveloped gold and silver deposits in safe stable countries – but which stocks are the most compelling and have the best leverage to precious metals prices?

Below are a number of articles that outline how to go about finding tomorrow’s gold value plays today.

1. Don’t Invest In a Mining Company Unless You Get the Right Answers to These 11 “Must Ask” Questions From Management

90% of the management teams you interview will be unable to present a reasoned argument for pursuing their project and to justify the approach they are using so let’s examine Rick Rule’s 11 “must ask” questions, one by one. Read More »

2. Country Risk Ratings Ranked 1 – 47

Precious metal miners operate in a large variety of countries and our interest in these mining companies on the one hand and country risk exposure on the other led us to compile a comprehensive list of jurisdictions of concern to precious metal investors
.[numbering 47 in total. All 47 countries are ranked below]. Read More »

3. Focus on Quality Junior Gold & Silver Companies to Maximize Returns – Here’s Why & How


The outlook for many junior resource companies in 2013 is grim so investors should focus on those who own quality undeveloped gold and silver deposits in safe stable countries. Such companies offer exceptional value in that they provide the best exposure to a rising precious metals price environment – and the assets the world’s mining companies desperately need. [Let me explain.] Words: 1328; Charts: 15 Read More »

4. The Five “M’s” for Picking Gold Mining Stocks

With gold miners, in general, so attractively valued relative to the gold bullion price, the question becomes which stocks are the most compelling and have the best leverage to robust precious metals prices
In order to find the diamonds in the rough, I use what I call “The Five M’s” for mining stocks
 Market cap, Management, Money, Minerals and Mine life cycle. [Let me explain each .] Words: 1146

5. 8 Criteria For Choosing a Top-Notch Gold Mining Company

When gold goes  up again, I believe we’ll find that the junior miners that have been crushed into the dust will be tomorrow’s value plays. Your  goal, then, is to identify these “diamonds in the dustbin” today. Below are 8 ways I’m finding tomorrow’s gold value plays today. Read More »

6. 9 Things to Look for When Choosing a Junior Mining Company to Invest In

In mining exploration, an “anomaly” is a geological formation that might attract a prospector’s interest. However, one rule of thumb is that you have to look at 1,000 anomalies to find one prospect and fewer than one prospect in a thousand turns into a mine. In other words, finding a mine is a million-to-one shot and that is one reason why junior mining stocks are highly speculative. Another reason is that it’s much easier to launch and promote one of these stocks than it is to build a profitable business. So junior mines attract more than their share of unscrupulous operators and stock promoters. Words: 504

7.  Jeff Nielson: What to Look for When Considering Which Gold Mining Companies to Buy

While investing in gold mining companies is not quite as simple as novices to this sector might at first conclude, neither is it so overwhelmingly complicated as to make these companies inaccessible to individual, retail investors. Below are a number of things to look for when considering an investment in such companies. Words: 2745

8. Jeff Nielson: More of What to Look for When Investing in the Gold Miner Sector

With gold recently trading at its nominal high it is only natural that investor curiosity about precious metals mining companies should start to grow and the fact that relatively few investors know much about the various types of companies in this market sector is an indication that this market is many years away from peaking. [This article will change all that.] Words: 1912

9.  Gold & Silver Miners: What’s the Best Time to Invest in the Producers – and in the Juniors?

While juniors, mid-tiers and large producers will usually bottom around the same time, they each outperform at different times. In this missive we look at some charts to decipher when its time to buy [each category and when one or the other] should be avoided. Words: 470

10. Country Risk: ALWAYS Discount the Value of Companies Operating in Risky Jurisdictions – Here’s Why

There is enough risk in investing without the added risk of political instability so why does the investment community often use the same metrics to value the shares of exploration and production of resources companies regardless of their location in the world? This is so very wrong, yet it continues. Frankly, when investing in the stock market you should ALWAYS discount the value of the stock that you are considering buying if the jurisdiction is not historically safe, stable, and economically strong. [Let me explain further.] Words: 746

11.  Why Invest in Junior Miners?

Leverage is the simple answer. It is not uncommon for junior mining companies to experience huge gains (10x or more) very quickly as news of a discovery is made known to the public. Words: 893

12. Here’s How to Value a Junior Miner’s Gold in the Ground

At any given time, we know the international spot price for an ounce of refined gold but what about the gold an exploration or mining company has in the ground – how do we value that? [We have the answer. Read on.] Words: 833

13. It’s Crucial to Challenge ‘Commentator Credibility’ When Evaluating Gold ‘Mining’ Companies – Here’s Why

Every day now there is Media and Internet commentary on the current prices at which gold mining stocks are trading. Some of this commentary is excellent, some seems to be written from a “vested interest’ perspective and some is very simplistic. [This article discusses unstated underlying assumptions that some commentators base their views on, endeavours to provide a greater understanding of the gold ‘mining’ sector and influences on pricing of sector stocks and what investors need to do before investing in said sector.] Words: 2030

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